Adobe Photoshop 05 May, 2019
(2 Ratings)
About The Course

A mentoring program for emergency doctors pursuing CESR (Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration) pathway could provide valuable support and guidance for them to meet the requirements and standards set by the medical council.

The program includes one-on-one sessions with an experienced mentor in CESR process. The mentor could provide practical advice, share their experiences, and help the mentee understand the expectations and requirements of the CESR pathway.

Understanding the Course

Additionally, the program includes sessions that cover important aspects of the CESR pathway such as portfolio preparation, logbook, QIPs/Audits, and leadership development.

Overall, a mentoring program for emergency doctors pursuing CESR could help them navigate the complex process of becoming a consultant and achieve their career goals.

A free 15-30 minutes initial meeting is provided to give more information and discuss details.


The Course Curriculam

Basic Concepts



3 Courses 1 Student
Total 2 Ratings
2 Ratings
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0 Rating
  • 2 years ago
    The course was very well organized with very good videos and lectures. The exercises were perfect for learning new abilities. Thank you for making me a more confident writer.
  • 2 years ago
    This is a great course for beginners in game development. I feel that I learned a lot here. Moreover, I have gained a big desire to continue learning about creating games.